Earn money by making videos about SocialUpper!

Earn money by making videos about SocialUpper!

Video Campaign is Live!

If you record a YouTube video for promoting Socialupper, you will earn a reward balance. Your balance will be added after your video is reviewed. The campaign conditions will be as follows, other videos will be rejected. Do not forget to fill out the form after the video recording.


Reward System

Low Quality Videos       $5
Medium Quality Videos  $7.5
High Quality Videos       $15
Pro High Quality Videos $25


Main Rule: You should explain the SocialUpper website in the video.

1-) Your Youtube subscriber must be at least 1K.
2-) You can shoot the video in a language you want.
3-) The video must be at least 3 minutes.
4-) You need to add the "www.socialupper.com" link in the description of the video.
5-) If your Instagram or TikTok followers are over 100 thousand, you can also share the video on these platforms.

No reward will be added in case of violation of the above rules.